University of Arkansas
Ralph E. Martin Department of Chemical Engineering
3202 Bell Engineering Center
Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201
Phone: (479) 575-4951
Fax: (479) 575-7926
Dr. Jamie Hestekin
Assessment of hazards from airborne contaminants and from fire and explosion phenomena
Dr. Hestekin’s research has been applied to the separation of ions from grape juices, biofuel cell ion removal, and the modeling and selective separation of organic acids from fermentations.
Dr. Ranil Wickramasinghe
Synthetic membrane-based separation processes for purification of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals, treatment and reuse of water and for the production of biofuels
A current research focus is surface modification of membranes in order to impart
unique surface properties. His group is actively developing responsive membranes.
These membranes change their physical properties in response to changed environmental
conditions. Typical unit operations for these membrane materials include microfiltration,
ultrafiltration, virus filtration, nanofiltration, membrane extraction etc.